35 prolapses completely healed and counting! 


Pelvic Organ Prolapse 


We help women who have experienced trauma reverse their prolapse(s) naturally by feeling safe and secure in their minds and bodies.

Our members return to lifting, high impact sports and create the life of their dreams.

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse 

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We help women who have experienced trauma reverse their prolapse(s) naturally by feeling safe and secure in their minds and bodies.

Our members return to lifting, high impact sports and create the life of their dreams.

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Prolapses Completely Healed By Our Members So Far...












Healed Prolapses

Prolapses Completely Healed By Our Members So Far...











How We Can Help You Heal Your Prolapse, Too!

If you're ready to take back control of your health and completely heal your prolapse(s), attend our FREE masterclasses where we show you how you can start on the path towards healing.

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The 3 Secrets to Healing Your Prolapse

Pressure in the mind creates pressure in the body. In this free 60-minute live masterclass, I'll show you how I healed 3 prolapses, and overcame my trauma, using the Scale of Emotions.

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The 3 Secrets to Healing Your Prolapse

Pressure in the mind creates pressure in the body. In this free 60-minute live masterclass, I'll show you how I healed 3 prolapses, and overcame my trauma, using the Scale of Emotions.

The 3 Mistakes Women Make Doing Hypopressives

That Prevent Proper Healing

Many women have been taught hypopressives incorrectly. In this live masterclass, I'll explain the hypopressive mistakes that prevent healing, as well as demonstrate the techniques that have helped our members heal completely. 

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3 Mistakes Women Make Doing Hypopressives masterclass image

The 3 Mistakes Women Make Doing Hypopressives

That Prevent Proper Healing

Many women have been taught hypopressives incorrectly. In this live masterclass, I'll explain the hypopressive mistakes that prevent healing, as well as demonstrate the techniques that have helped our members heal completely. 

Hi. I'm Jennie Delreeve

I know the mental and emotional pain, and the constant struggle, of living with pelvic floor dysfunction. I suffered in silence for years with this feeling of heaviness as though something was pushing into my vaginal wall.

I was misdiagnosed twice, eventually discovering I had a grade 3 rectocele, grade 2/3 cystocele and uterine prolapse.

At the time I was in emotional freefall & feeling overwhelmed.

Adding to my despair, despite my efforts to do what the experts told me, NOTHING was working (aka Kegels, “bracing” techniques & focusing on your 6 pack) and I felt completely BROKEN.

However, I soon realised even though I’d done years of therapy, holistic health and meditation I still had a pattern of vulnerability running wild all over the place.

I have coined this the “vulnerability to defensiveness” pattern. When you experience trauma like I did, the world becomes unsafe, and your whole system goes on high alert. This manifests in fear of the dark, fear you’ll be attacked, fear your kids will be abducted, fear the money will run out and not trusting your body.

As soon as my husband, Duncan, and I figured this out, we were able to completely reverse my 3 prolapses and heal without surgery

Nowadays at age 48 years young, I can run, hike, lift, bounce on the trampoline and run around after our two kids.

Combining the physical with the mental & emotional was the KEY to our success to completely healing my 3 prolapses.  

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Hi. I'm Jennie Delreeve

Jennie Delreeve image

I know the mental and emotional pain, and the constant struggle, of living with pelvic floor dysfunction. I suffered in silence for years with this feeling of heaviness as though something was pushing into my vaginal wall.

I was misdiagnosed twice, eventually discovering I had a grade 3 rectocele, grade 2/3 cystocele and uterine prolapse.

At the time I was in emotional freefall & feeling overwhelmed.

Adding to my despair, despite my efforts to do what the experts told me, NOTHING was working (aka Kegels, “bracing” techniques & focusing on your 6 pack) and I felt completely BROKEN.

However, I soon realised even though I’d done years of therapy, holistic health and meditation I still had a pattern of vulnerability running wild all over the place.

I have coined this the “vulnerability to defensiveness” pattern. When you experience trauma like I did, the world becomes unsafe, and your whole system goes on high alert. This manifests in fear of the dark, fear you’ll be attacked, fear your kids will be abducted, fear the money will run out and not trusting your body.

As soon as my husband, Duncan, and I figured this out, we were able to completely reverse my 3 prolapses and heal without surgery.

Nowadays at age 48 years young, I can run, hike, lift, bounce on the trampoline and run around after our two kids.

Combining the physical with the mental & emotional was the KEY to our success to completely healing my 3 prolapses.

When you have nothing to lose & everything to gain...

"When I was diagnosed with a grade 3 rectocele and grade 1.5-2 cystocele prolapse after having my fourth baby, my world crumbled.

I've always been this super active, athletic Mum. But suddenly everything changed. I felt so low and powerless, like my whole self was gone. With a newborn I couldn't enjoy and other children I felt unable to care for, I spent my evenings alone in the dark crying. "It broke my soul... it was really the hardest thing I ever had to go through."

Finding Jennie and Duncan's program changed everything. Instead of just focusing on physical symptoms, they helped me understand how emotional patterns and past trauma were showing up in my body. In just 3 months, I achieved what everyone said was impossible – my rectocele completely healed!

When I went back to the same gynecologist who'd initially pushed for surgery, he was so shocked by my transformation that he joked I was going to put him out of business.

"It's more than just healing a prolapse. It's healing my soul." For the first time ever, I truly connected with my inner self and "finally love myself, my God, for who I am right now."

This deep healing transformed every part of my life – my marriage got stronger, my relationship with my kids deepened, and I found genuine friendships in the program's incredible community of women. Now I'm not just healed – I'm thriving! I've even signed up for a 42km trail ultra-marathon, something I thought I'd never be able to do again."


"After my first child I had a low grade rectocele prolapse, but I healed it through exercise & working with a pelvic floor physio. Then after my second child, I ended up with a grade three rectocele prolapse and a grade one cystocele prolapse.

My prolapses impacted every part of my life. I couldn’t be physically active like I wanted to be. It was impacting my relationship. I had lots of symptoms that were quite uncomfortable, and I was probably wallowing in a bit of depression to be fully honest.

When I joined the program, I got very raw and very honest and very vulnerable with myself about where I was really at and allowed that to be okay. And it just has given me everything back. Plus the support from the group is amazing! There's nothing but love and support and full transparency about all the topics in such a loving way.

I stopped feeling symptoms at about 8 weeks in, and I didn’t have a checkup until the 12th week when it was confirmed that my I have no cystocele and my rectocele is barely a 1. I know it's gone because I know that I'm doing the emotional work.

I’m now looking forward getting back into bodybuilding which I love, being with my kids, mountain biking, & I’ve always wanted to have my own business which feels real now, and I’m very excited for it!!" ​


"I was 41, about 9 years postpartum and was struggling with grade 2-3 cystocele, grade 2 uterine and urethra prolapses. I was also in perimenopause for about 7 years and was told that I was approaching early menopause.

When I joined the program, I was in full powerlessness, fear and insecurity. I was also filled with self doubt, I had LOTS of self judgement, and I was constantly comparing myself to others. I was a master of arguing for my own limitations and being hard on myself.

It took time for me to use the tools and techniques in the program because I had resistance, but once I started using them my beliefs began shifting and now I can say I am most of the time in contentment and above on the emotional scale, which is yes, amazing!

Not only did I completely heal all 3 prolapses in 12-14 months of being in the program, my relationships with my mother, my daughter and my husband are much better. I used to avoid intimacy with my husband, but now I feel much more relaxed, present and just enjoy things when we are intimate.

I’m also lifting weights and doing yoga again because I’ve gotten over my fear of movement. I am taking it slowly, listening to my body, and I feel really, really good.
I can really, honestly, authentically, genuinely say that the program was a huge game changer for me in every aspect of my life, not just physically but emotionally." ​


"I had grade 3 cystocele, grade 3 rectocele and grade 3 uterine prolapses after the birth of my first child, but I didn't realize I had them. I just thought I was taking so long to heal after the birth. 

​I went to a PT, saw some improvement, and because of that I felt better and had less symptoms. But eventually she told me I wouldn't completely heal and that I was 'done'.  After she said that all of my symptoms came back, the prolapse lowered again, and everything reversed. And then I got pregnant again. After my second baby I got an umbilical hernia as well as diastasis recti.

I joined the program because I knew I needed a group and I needed accountability. Within the first week of doing hypopressives and this program, my diastasis recti went from a little over 3 fingers to 1, and I mean half a knuckle deep, and that was it. I thought "is this real?!" So within the first month my prolapse symptoms not only improved, but pretty much went away.  And my rectocele prolapse has now gone.

This program has not only helped me heal physically, it's helped me overcome really dark times mentally & emotionally, and it's brought my husband and I closer together. We now have these really deep conversations and I feel like I'm actually connecting with him.

You guys just totally believe that it's possible, believe that it's going to happen. And to have someone holding that steady and saying, no, you can feel however you want to feel. You can doubt it as much as you want to doubt it, but we know you will heal is, I don't know. It just puts that level of obtainability there for you so that you can keep going ​." ​


"In 2022 I had a hysterectomy. Then about 3 months later I was diagnosed with a mild cystocele and grade 2.5 rectocele. For 2 years I was just in constant pain and my body wasn't responding to my pelvic floor physical therapy.

​I was initially very skeptical and resistant to joining this program because of the cost, my faith and also my self doubt about whether or not the program would work for me and would I truly heal.

After being in the program for almost 3 weeks, both my Urogynecologist and Pelvic Floor therapist confirmed that  
​my cystocele has completely reversed and my rectocele is now very mild, barely a grade 1!​

​Initially I didn't care about the mindset improvements from the program that everyone else raves about. But after doing the work in the program, my ability to actually make myself feel better was huge for me and something that I really did not expect.

​I had my faith coming into the program, and I think that my faith has grown astronomically in the last few weeks. I believe God has a path for me, and I believe God puts things in my vortex. It's my job to go and get. And so I think that that was huge for me. Even if someone doesn't have faith coming into this, it's definitely going to help them in that aspect. Just knowing that there maybe is a higher power.


"I had a long history of constipation and one day, whilst going to the bathroom, I heard and felt a “pop”. 
Instantly I knew that something was wrong and immediately started worrying that it was a prolapse. I was beside myself and cried, and cried, and cried.

I kept wondering...what did I do to deserve this? Was it sex? Was it just going to the bathroom? Was it the food that I ate? But I realised it couldn't be those things because they're everyday, natural things in life.

Initially I was diagnosed with a grade 2 bladder prolapse and was told "just don't make it worse" and that was it. No help. No advice. No nothing! I was devastated. I eventually found another PT who could help me, but I knew I needed more and that's when I discovered this program.

After 5 weeks of following the processes and using the tools in the program, my PT told me that my bladder was "where it should be" . And I was like "Huh? What are you talking about?" And she kept saying "It's fine. It's where it should be." And I was like...Holy crap. I've healed..."​


"I was diagnosed with a 2.5 grade uterine prolapse and was told I needed surgery! There was no way I was going to let them cut me open. I did the physical therapy and the Kegels didn't work so I stopped going after 3 months.

The program provided me with a holistic approach to healing combining physical exercises, mental and emotional processes. It was not an overnight transformation, but with unwavering dedication and consistent effort, I started to witness incredible progress.

To my astonishment, in just under 5 months, I achieved the seemingly impossible – the reversal of my grade 2 1/2 prolapse. The joy and relief I felt were immeasurable. I was not only symptom-free but also filled with renewed vigor and confidence."


"I was diagnosed with a grade two rectocele, a grade two urethra and a grade one uterine prolapseWhen I first saw a PT about it, she told me I shouldn't have any more kids because it would make "everything worse", which was very hard for a first time Mom to hear! I literally dropped to my knees. 

I think being told that was a blessing in disguise because it made me think there has to be a way for me to heal and have more kids.  I came across Jennie and Duncan, had a number of conversations with them & joined their program. In 5 months of working with them I have reversed all of my 3 prolapses!


"I was getting treatment from 5 different professionals (bladder prolapse, small rectocele & urinary incontinence), and it was costing me a lot of money.  I just got a newborn baby and I was spending about two hours a day exercising, doing the same things over and over and over for quite a long time. And it had a detrimental impact on so many things in my life. Also, my mental health, I just felt my life was over. I'm normally really fit and active. And after having my second and last child, I was looking forward to getting me back and the prolapse just knocked me for six and I didn't know who I was anymore. And so I was pretty broken and I felt hopeless.

Since joining the program my urinary continence is improved. I also saw the physio recently who's seen me throughout prior to even starting this program. And she actually said to me that my prolapses look the best they ever have. So that's exciting. Another thing is I've got a toddler and a baby and my relationship with him, the toddler, is completely changed just because I'm in such a better place emotionally and mentally, and I have a way better handle on my emotions."


"In 2018/2019, I was diagnosed with a grade 1 bladder prolapse after the birth of my 2nd daughter, and I just thought I had to put up with it because I didn't want to have surgery.

But over the past 8 months or so my symptoms just got louder & louder and with all of the emotion that comes with a prolapse, I was just devastated, I'd lost hope and thought my life would never be the same

But after only 7 weeks in this program, it's just mind blowing that I can connect the emotions with the physical symptoms. I'm slowly seeing that it's related. And I just feel good. I feel good a lot of the time now, and it's only getting better…And seeing the reaction in my family. I can see my husband, he hasn't said anything, but I can see and feel that he is being uplifted together with me and my kids. They just love it. And I love it too. I love the way I am now."


How Our Members Feel About Their Path to Healing... 

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Are you ready to heal your Prolapse, too? 

If you’ve been told you can’t heal your prolapse(s) but deep down you believe there has to be a way, you’re in the right place.

So far our members have COMPLETELY healed a total of 35 prolapses – even the ones Doctors' say can't be healed (aka rectocele) - without surgery.

If you want to finally heal your body and  feel even better than your "old self" again, book in for a no-obligation free call where I'll explain how our program works and if you’re a good fit for it.

Are you ready to heal Your Prolapse, too? 

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If you’ve been told you can’t heal your prolapse(s) but deep down you believe there has to be a way, you’re in the right place.

So far our members have COMPLETELY healed a total of 35 prolapses – even the ones Doctors' say can't be healed (aka rectocele) - without surgery.

If you want to finally heal your body and  feel even better than your "old self" again, book in for a no-obligation free call where I'll explain how our program works and if you’re a good fit for it.

How Our Members Feel About Their Path to Healing... 

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It's No Coincidence You're Here


If you're struggling with...

  • A fear of the dark (locking doors and windows at night in your home)
  • A fear of being attacked if you are out alone
  • ​A fear that you child could be abducted
  • ​Being constipated (only 3 bowel movements a week)
  • ​A strong desire to change your body shape when you get back to exercising

You could also be experiencing a Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP). Myself, and almost all of our clients who've experienced trauma, have unintentionally manifested pelvic organ issues in our body. But there is HOPE! If we can heal, so can you!

I'd love to talk to you about your challenges and concerns. Schedule a free call with me here:

Meet The Unshakeable You Team

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Jennie Delreeve

Jennie is the perfect example of the person who couldn’t find a solution to meet her needs, so she created it herself.

Over a 15 year journey full of ups and downs many of us are lucky to not to have experienced, Jennie explored physical, spiritual and medical remedies all over the world to find her mojo.

Her greatest revelation? Not trying to find perfection 100% of the time, and being happy with 80%.

Once Jennie discovered the solution that worked for her, she realised she could teach the exact same process to others – without them having to go through what she did.

Jennie is passionate about helping other people find their way to a happier and more calm life.


  • ICF certified Life Coach (International Coaching Federation)
  • Holistic Health Coach and Lifestyle Coach
  • Dip. Functional Medicine
  • ​Metabolic Typing Advisor
  • ​Level 4 Personal Trainer
  • ​Certified Group Fitness Instructor
  • ​Corrective Exercise Coach

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Duncan Delreeve

Duncan came to coaching as a fitness fanatic.

Trained as a sports therapist and fitness instructor, he then went on to become an exercise kinesiologist.

Duncan has worked across all areas of the fitness industry from gyms to personal training to helping elite athletes and teams.

Working with clients suffering physical pain, Duncan began to realise that a lot of the pain came from much deeper than bones and joints and muscle tissue.

Further study into mental and emotional coaching has enabled Duncan to offer a holistic approach that creates balance between the body and mind and prevents recurrence of injuries and pain.


  • Holistic Lifestyle Coach
  • Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach
  • ​Corrective High Performance Exercise Kiniesiologist
  • ​Fitness Training and Sports Therapist
  • ​Golf Performance Specialist
  • ​Hypopressive Training System Level 3 (International Hypopressive Council)

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Sign up for prolapse healing advice, guidance, and inspirational stories of women just like you who took a leap of faith and completely healed by following our program.

Interviews & Podcasts

The Mind Body Connection with Trista Zinn

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Trista Zinn, the Director of Hypopressives Canada, to talk about the Mind-Body connection and the emotional impact of trauma on the pelvic floor. 

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Interview with Trista Zinn, Hypopressives Canada

Interview with Trista Zinn, Hypopressives Canada

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The Mind Body Connection with Trista Zinn

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Trista Zinn, the Director of Hypopressives Canada, to talk about the Mind-Body connection and the emotional impact of trauma on the pelvic floor. 

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Interview with Kate Boyle, Mind Movement Health

How to Improve Pelvic Floor Health & Reverse Prolapse

I was thrilled to be interviewed by Kate Boyle from Mind Movement Health.  She's a nutritionist and Pilates Instructor, and she helps busy women take charge of their health. Check out our interview on YouTube. 

Interview with Kate Boyle, Mind Movement Health

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How to Improve Pelvic Floor Health & Reverse Prolapse

I was thrilled to be interviewed by Kate Boyle from Mind Movement Health.  She's a nutritionist and Pilates Instructor, and she helps busy women take charge of their health. Check out our interview on YouTube. 

Sexual Abuse and the Impact on Pelvic Health and Prolapse

I was absolutely honoured to be interviewed by Dr Briana Grogan (PT, DPT), one of the world's leading experts on pelvic wellness, on the connection between Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and sexual trauma. Check out our interview on YouTube. 

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Interview with Dr Bri, Vibrant Pelvic Health

Interview with Dr Bri, Vibrant Pelvic Health

Sexual Trauma & Pelvic Health interview image

Sexual Abuse and the Impact on Pelvic Health and Prolapse

I was absolutely honoured to be interviewed by Dr Briana Grogan (PT, DPT), one of the world's leading experts on pelvic wellness, on the connection between Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and sexual trauma. Check out our interview on YouTube. 

Interview with Katie & Corrine, Unshakeable You Pelvic Floor Members

Prolapse Questions & Answers:
What You Need To Know!

Get inside access to a Q&A session with our Pelvic Floor Program members asking Katie & Corrine how exactly they both healed their prolapses.

Katie (a mother with a young son) and Corrine (post menopause) explain how they overcame the seemingly "impossible" to completely heal their respective rectocele, urethra and uterine prolapses

Prolapse Questions & Answers:
​What You Need To Know!

Get inside access to a Q&A session with our Pelvic Floor Program members asking Katie & Corrine how exactly they both healed their prolapses.

Katie (a mother with a young son) and Corrine (post menopause) explain how they overcame the seemingly "impossible" to completely heal their respective rectocele, urethra and uterine prolapses

Interview with Katie & Corrine, Unshakeable You Pelvic Floor Members

Prolapse Questions & Answers: ​What You Need To Know!

Get inside access to a Q&A session with our Pelvic Floor Program members asking Katie & Corrine how exactly they both healed their prolapses.

Katie (a mother with a young son) and Corrine (post menopause) explain how they overcame the seemingly "impossible" to completely heal their respective rectocele, urethra and uterine prolapses

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19 Willow Drive
​United Kingdom

19 Willow Drive
Gwent, Wales
United Kingdom

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